Sometimes people lose sight of the core of their ministry. They feel overwhelmed by the needs that surround them on a daily basis.
Wise and well-loved pastor Warren Wiersbe invites ministry leaders to listen in on thirty short ‘armchair chats’ to encourage and strengthen them for service. He shares what he wishes he had known about ministering to others when he began his own Christian pilgrimage.
‘Ministry,’ he says, ‘takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.’ With this new edition of a classic book the next generation of ministry leaders can take advantage of Wiersbe’s years of wisdom.
At his best! -Wisdom in a pint pot! This is a truly great little book. Imagine sitting down with an experienced, godly, wise Christian, who has been pastoring pastors whilst looking after a huge church, and asking him to give you an hour of his distilled wisdom. This is what you have here. I know of no better book on the subject. Christian, if reading this doesn’t bless you, sue me! Warren Wiersbe is always worth reading, and this is him at his best. Roger Carswell
Brilliant! – No one who reads this book with an open and prayerful heart can remain the same. Jim Cymbala
Like a fire-side chat with a wise guide – This is a wonderful book that allows ministers to be mentored, challenged and encouraged by an experienced, godly, sympathetic and senior pastor. Warren Wiersbe opens his heart and applies the Scriptures in thirty short chapters, each of which is like a fire-side chat with a wise guide. Faithful, biblical exegesis is combined with pastoral warmth and practical realism, and the book is packed with great quotes and illustrations. It does not offer any quick fix solutions to the difficulties of ministry, but rather establishes basic principles. It does not provide clever methods to follow, but calls us to have hearts of compassion and love. This is a book to read slowly, repeatedly, prayerfully and repentantly. I would encourage every minister and aspiring minister to read a chapter a day so that you learn to serve in the way that God wants. John Stevens
Grab a coffee -There’s a repeated logo of a mug of coffee for every section, and that’s the way to handle this little gem of a book. Taking a break from sermon prep, gearing up for a tricky elders meeting – have a five minute word from th
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