‘Hope is an invaluable commodity. No one can live without it.’
In this Advent guide, Joel Edwards takes us on a journey of hope through the pages of Scripture. We consider Isaiah’s prophecies about the Messiah long ago, the transformed lives of Bible characters such as David, Mary, Elizabeth and Simeon, and the fulfilment of God’s promises in the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. The Bible overflows with hope.
During the season of Advent particularly, we can focus on the hope brought to the world through the coming of Christ, and how His life in us can help us deal with past disappointments, choose to take hold of God’s hope today and go out into the world to bring hope to others.
This material, which covers the whole month of December, can be used by individuals in preparation for Christmas, or as five sessions in a homegroup or Advent group. To get the most out of the book, group members should commit to use the personal devotional material each day.
Joel Edwards
Joel Edwards was a Probation Officer for fourteen years Senior Pastor of a local church for ten years before becoming the first black general director of the Evangelical Alliance in 1997. He is an ordained minister in one of the UK’s major Caribbean denominations and an honary Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral. He serves on a number of faith, government and public agency advisory groups.