During the Advent season many of us will watch Nativity plays and sing familiar carols about Jesus’ birth 2,000 years ago. David Coffey challenges us to become caught up in the script of this real-life drama and to play our part in the unfolding of God’s salvation story.
And this is a story of joy! Jesus’ coming heralds great joy for all people – through Him all nations will be blessed. As we consider again the joy that our Saviour’s birth brought to individuals such as Mary, Joseph and the Magi, David challenges us to take on our role as part of the ‘community of joy’, the church, in spreading the joyful news to the ends of the earth.
This material, which covers the whole month of December, can be used by individuals in preparation for Christmas, or as five sessions in an existing homegroup or Advent group. To get the most out of the book, group members should commit to use the personal devotional material each day. Also included each week are suggestions for group activity.
David Coffey
David Coffey is the President of the Baptist World Alliance. He is an ordained Baptist Minister and has served as Pastor of three