John Sentamu

John Sentamu’s Faith Stories

DAISY, Braille, Large Print 17pt, Large Print 20pt, Large Print 25pt, Large Print 30pt
  • Publisher: Darton Longman & Todd Ltd (DLT)
  • ISBN: 9780232529784

Some of these people face up to difficult personal circumstances on a daily basis – such as the widowed mother of two young boys, or the former soldier whose fellow soldiers were killed – others work for social justice in their local communities.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


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In this inspirational book compiled by the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, twenty people with everyday lives, families and jobs explain what their faith means to them and how it makes an extraordinary difference. He has written a personal introduction to each story.

Some of these people face up to difficult personal circumstances on a daily basis – such as the widowed mother of two young boys, or the former soldier whose fellow soldiers were killed – others work for social justice in their local communities or use their unique gifts to communicate the good news of the gospel and to help those in need around the world.

‘With God the impossible becomes possible. The ordinary can achieve the extraordinary. Insurmountable barriers can be overcome, and those without hope become the inspirers. This is the greatest story ever told, and we are invited to participate in it.’

‘Each of us has an incredible story to tell. In this book I have collected a few examples of how individuals are putting God’s vision of love and care into action in new and exciting ways. I hope these stories will inspire you as you travel on your own journey with the God who walks with us on the road of life.’

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