Michael Mitton

Handful of Light, A

DAISY, Braille, Giant Print
  • Publisher: Bible Reading Fellowship, The
  • ISBN: 9781841012476

BRF’s advent book for 2008 offers daily Bible readings for every day from 1 December to 6 January on the themes of hope, light and darkness.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


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Advent and Christmas fall during the dark winter months in the northern hemisphere, when days are short, temperatures low and the prospect of spring remote. Taking the these of ‘hope’ and interweaving it with the themes of light and darkness found throughout the Bible, Michael Mitton has written readings for every day of the season, from 1 December to 6 January, the feast of the Epiphany.

Hope is a word that resonates at any time of year, however. This book can also be read by those who want to reflect on how the yearning for ‘something more’ buried in every human heart connects with the hope of salvation manifested in the baby born in the stable. That same yearning connects, too, with the hope of the final revelation of God’s kingdom, when one day the full glory and light of his love and majesty will be clear for all to see.

The Revd Michael Mitton is the Mission and Ministry Development Advisor in the Derby Diocese. He was previously Deputy Director of the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation Renewal Ministries from 1989 to 1997. Among other books, he has written ‘The Rainbow of Renewal’ and ‘A Heart to Listen’ for BRF, and ‘Restoring the Woven Cord’ (DLT).

‘This fantastic devotional book for those pursuing a deeper and more intimate relationship with God, while exploring how to live for him and love him in the context of a broken and hurting world. It is a must-read both for those longing to find light and those longing to be in dark places.’ ADVENT TO EPIPHANY


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