Jill Briscoe

God’s Front Door

DAISY, Braille, Giant Print
  • Publisher: Lion Hudson Ltd (Monarch Books)
  • ISBN: 9781854246417

Jill Briscoe writes several short dialogues with the Father as she sees His hand at work in the diverse circumstances of life She covers everything from the big problems-war, separation from family, divorce and remarriage to the more every day problems.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


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I glanced across the aisle and jumped. He was sitting in the seat opposite me. I noticed He had his seat belt on. “That’s funny,” I said, “You’ve got your seat belt fastened.”

“It’s good to obey the rules,” He said.

“I hate flying.” I said.

“Better than riding a donkey,” He remarked. “And safer!”

“We’re so high up,” I said looking apprehensively out of the window.

“You’re nearer The Front Door up here, ” He responded cheerfully.

Then I was really nervous!

“Lord, it’s not that I don’t want to live with You forever, it’s just… just…” He didn’t help me out. “It’s just — I wasn’t expecting it to be today,” I finished lamely. He laughed again and the plane gave a lurch and a bump and another bump and I reached across the aisle and caught hold of his hand.

“This is fun,” He said cheerfully. “So much better than a donkey.”

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