Louise Morse

Dementia: Frank and Linda’s Story

DAISY, Braille
  • Publisher: Lion Hudson Ltd (Monarch Books)
  • ISBN: 9781854249302

Frank and Linda’s story powerfully depicts a new approach to care giving. Focusing on three important aspects of dementia care – living, helping and spiritual support. It contains all kinds of helpful information laid out in an attractive form.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


SKU: TORCH-7796 Category: Tag:


Frank and Linda have been together since their schooldays. They married, ran a guest house and raised children – then Frank developed dementia. “I’m losing my best friend,” said Linda. Frank’s story is almost over, but had he been born twenty years later it might have been different.

Today, thanks to a better understanding of how the brain works and how it is affected by dementia, experts and careers have developed a new way of caring that can help to hold the person together, reinforcing their individuality and allowing them to live contentedly.

Frank and Lind’s story powerfully depicts this new approach to caregiving. It focuses on three important aspects of dementia care – living, helping, and spiritual support. Built on the foundational Christian belief in the sanctity and meaning of life, the book is filled with pointers and information, including a detailed appendix that lists organizations around the world that offer advice and help.

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