Paul Estabrooks

Bible Women Of China

Braille, Giant Print
  • Publisher: Sovereign World Ltd
  • ISBN: 9781852402525

During the blackest period of China’s history this century, Christian women in church leadership suffered as severely as their male counterparts. Today such women are still an inspiration.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


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“This was her ninth year of living in exile, consigned to a hard labour farm during the infamous cultural revolution. Before this she had spent 15 years in China’s notorious prisons. As she looked down, she noticed how the veins stood out on the back of her aching hands. How the years of punishment had taken their toll! During the blackest period of China’s history during the last century, Christian women in church leadership suffered as severely as their male counterparts. It is no exaggeration to state that these women made an invaluable contribution to the Church in China during those terrible years. Today such women are still an inspiration. This booklet tells their story…

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