Ian Coffey

Shock and Awe

DAISY, Braille, Giant Print
  • Publisher: Bible Reading Fellowship, The
  • ISBN: 9781841016412

In these daily Advent and Christmas readings the author explores our amazing, all-loving, all-powerful God and how he reaches out to save us if we only put our trust in him.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


SKU: TORCH-7239 Category: Tag:


‘The big story of the Bible speaks of God’s greatest rescue project for lost people. The theme of the story is grace (undeserved love) and God’s method -shock and awe. This is a God of surprises who chooses unlikely people and works in unusual ways. Our studies through this season of Advent will help us dip into that story and see first-hand what it involves.’

In these daily Advent and Christmas readings, Ian Coffey explores our amazing, all-loving, all-powerful God and how he reaches out to save us-if we only put our trust in him. Starting with Abraham and concluding with the heavenly vision of Revelation, Shock and Awe considers what it means to be people of faith, trusting God’s promises and encountering him in new ways in our lives. It reflects on some of the gifts that grace brings and shows what it means practically to live as followers of Christ and as people of hope.


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