Those who suffer loss, great pain or disability are given insights into God’s love and capacity to care far beyond the average experience. The stories related here tell of the death of young children, cancer, severe disablement or handicap, mental illness, isolation, bewilderment and severe discouragement. They also show joyfulness, love, determination and acceptance of God’s will.
Pauline Hillier church worker, Bristol
Elma Alexander country music enthusiast, Fife
Douglas Fraser Torch Trust organiser, Glasgow
Priscilla Morgan artist, Newcastle
David Spriggs dentist, Inverness
David & Ruth Kay pastor and wife, Barnstaple
Alan & Anne Fraser depute head and wife, Stornoway
Ian Yule Baptist pastor, Kirkintilloch
Rita Armstrong pastor’s wife, Clevedon
Keith Jones chief executive of Mission Aviation Fellowship, Folkestone
Marion Craig foster mother, Argyll
Timothy student
and Peter Maiden Operation Mobilisation director, Carlisle
Irene Howat, who has co-ordinated the stories has herself suffered pain for over 15 years. Her own story is told in “Pain, My Companion”.
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