Tracy Williamson

Letting God Speak Through You

DAISY, Braille, Giant Print
  • Publisher: New Wine Press
  • ISBN: 9781903725498

With great wisdom and sensitivity Tracy Williamson explains how to receive and handle prophetic words, or words of knowledge, and helps the reader to avoid common pitfalls when sharing these words with others.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


SKU: TORCH-5773 Category: Tag:


“In this book Tracy Williamson will take you on a practical journey and convince you that God can speak to others through you. If you want to grow in confidence and learn to speak into other people’s lives, this book is for you.” Rachel Hickson. Director, Heartcry Ministries.

“Tracy’s heart passion in this book is to show us that God can and will use all of us whose hearts are open to Him, to speak His beautiful words of life to those around us and bring fresh hope, healing and awareness of His love…A very practical and inspiring book.” Marilyn Baker

An ideal companion to the author’s first book. Expecting God To Speak To You! this book deals with hearing God in order to speak encouragement and life to others. With great wisdom and sensitivity Tracy Williamson explains how to receive and handle prophetic words, or words of knowledge, and helps the reader to avoid common pitfalls when sharing these words with others.

About the author:

Tracy Williamson is an author and speaker. She has been involved in Marilyn Baker Ministries since 1986 as Marilyn’s personal assistant and conducts teaching seminars throughout the UK.

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