Nazi Darkness Was Descending Upon Europe – Would Their Lives Ever Be the Same? Predating the events of the Zion Chronicles Series, VIENNA PRELUDE opens in pre-World War II Austria. Elisa Lindheim, a violinist with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, is of Jewish heritage but has adopted an Aryan stage name. Thus she is able to travel and play in Germany even though a 1935 law forbade Jewish musicians to do so. Her dear friend Leah, a cellist already introduced to Thoene readers in A DAUGHTER OF ZION, and her husband Shimon must escape Austria or perish in the coming Holocaust.
John Murphy, a reporter for the NEW YORK TIMES in Berlin and Austria, becomes linked with English politicians in a plan to overthrow Hitler. Elisa and John’s mutual connections with the Jewish underground entangle them in a web of intrigue, danger, and conspiracy – which is aggravated by their own complex relationship.
The saga unfolds further in PRAGUE COUNTERPOINT.
Bodie Thoene’s vivid novels are characterised by meticulous research, undertaken jointly by Bodie and her husband Brock. Bodie and Brock have four children and live on a ranch in California.
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