Rachel & Tim Wright

Shattered (TTS)

DAISY, Braille, Large Print 17pt, Large Print 20pt, Large Print 25pt, Large Print 30pt
  • Publisher: Waverley Abbey Resources
  • ISBN: 9781782598961

This is not a fix-it-quick kind of book. Instead of the book of your dreams, this is the book you want when your dreams seem out of reach. This brave, honest and funny devotional takes a refreshing new look at the inevitable twists and turns of life.

TTS – text to speech – the DAISY audio version uses computer generated synthetic speech, with British voices.

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


SKU: TORCH-9185 Category: Tag:


When our son was born with severe and complex brain injury our hearts and dreams lay broken. We were shattered. For many others like us, life events arrive accompanied by a deep sense of loss, grief or heartache. Maybe it’s a relationship breakdown, death of a loved one or the collapse of a dream. Our journey as the parents of a child with a life-limiting condition has shown us that quick fixes remain in the DIY shop. Transformation however, from within our circumstances, is not only possible but the very nature and heart of God. Through this 40-window devotional we will share how brokenness became our invitation into wholehearted living. How we discovered that brokenness doesn’t necessarily need fixing but rather growth, transformation and abundance happens in the broken edges of life.

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