W. Terry Whalin

One Bright Shining Path

  • Publisher: Crossway Books UK
  • ISBN: 9781856840743

Romulo Saune: A young converted Peruvian shepherd lad became the head of a team of scholars translating the Bible. But another gospel was spreading – the Shining Path, one of the world’s most violent terrorist groups. A collision was inevitable…

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


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High up on a steep mountainside in the Peruvian Andes an Indian shepherd boy watched his flock. Though he could never have imagined it, God had chosen him for a remarkable task. The divine plan for Romolo Saune’s life would lead him out of the isolation & poverty of his remote mountain village to a place of leadership in His church, ultimately standing on the world stage with other international Christian leaders. God’s plan would take a boy handicapped by a learning disability – nearly illiterate – & eventually place him at the head of a team of scholars translating the Bible into the Quechua language. But as the light of the gospel penetrated the remote mountain regions of Peru, another & very different gospel began to spread. The Shining Path – one of the world’s most violent terrorist groups – fanned out into the highlands in a ruthless campaign to coerce people to join their cause. They believed that Peru’s hope lay solely in the Maoist vision of a socialist society. The Christians were just as convinced that Jesus Christ alone has the answers for the human heart & for the problems plaguing Peruvian society. A collision was inevitable. In this time of incredible suffering for the church, one man’s heroism & commitment to Christ stands out. This is the story of his life.

W Terry Whalin served for 17 years with Wycliffe Bible Translators and & is the Associate Editor at Decision magazine for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Chris Woehr has traveled the globe reporting on the suffering church. She is the executive Editor of News Network International, a news agency with a focus on religious freedom.

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