Tom Wright

Lent For Everyone – Year C – Luke

DAISY, Giant Print
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • ISBN: 9780281062201

This Lent book gives Luke’s 2,000-year-old words a fresh immediacy and renewed personal and shared meaning. It will help to make Lent, so often seen as a time of abstinence, a period of rich discovery and growth.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


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There are many things that Christians from different traditions find difficult to share. But, as Bishop Tom Wright says in his Preface: ‘Catholics and Protestants, liberals and evangelicals, charismatic and social activists, Christians of all denominations – there is nothing to stop us reading the Bible together, and everything to suggest that it would be an exciting idea,’

Lent for Everyone, Luke: Year C was born out of that simple notion and the realization that a great way to promote universal Bible study would be a Lent book based on the Gospel readings for the current year.

You’ll find the whole of Luke’s Gospel here, as well as some of the Gospel of John and the Acts of the Apostles, all in the clear and accessible words of Bishop Wright’s For Everyone series. Focused exploration and questions helpful readers to apply their own understanding to each carefully selected passage and seek its relevance for their lives.

Suitable for private or group study and reflection, Tom Wright’s Lent book gives Luke’s 2,000-year-old words a fresh immediacy and renewed personal and shared meaning. It will help to make Lent, so often seen as a time of abstinence, a period of rich discovery and growth.

Readings to cover the LENT AND EASTER PERIOD

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