David Powlison

Domestic Abuse

Braille, Audio CD, Giant Print
  • Publisher: P & R Publishing
  • ISBN: 9780875526874

Three counsellors reveal ways to clearly communicate God’s grace to the victims of domestic abuse and ask “How will you help the privately violent?”

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


SKU: TORCH-6176 Category: Tag:


Couples who publicly sit at peace in church pews can secretly be at war.

How do you help the victim of domestic abuse? And doesn’t the perpetrator of the violence also need our help?

Three counselors reveal ways to clearly communicate God’s grace to the victims of violence. They demonstrate how to minister with confidence and humility to the afflicted.

They ask. “How will you help the privately violent?” We learn that violent people have much in common with other people. And once you know how to deal with your own sins of anger, you can better help others who struggle with violence.

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