Join us as we mark and celebrate Sight Loss Sunday 2024 with a special church at home service
Tag: Sight Loss Sunday
Reflections Podcast 06th October 2024: Torch Trust CEO Sarah Dawkins
Sarah Dawkins, CEO of the Torch Trust looks ahead to 2024’s Sight Loss Sunday with Marilyn Baker and shares just why it’s so important.
Reflections 15.10.23: Celebrating Sight Loss Sunday 2023
This week we’re celebrating Torch’s annual Sight Loss Sunday event! The event is designed to wake the church up to sight loss and empower blind and partially sighted people to share their giftings in their church communities. Don’t forget: you can celebrate any Sunday of the year, find our resources to help you at
Reflections 17.09.23: Looking Forward to Sight Loss Sunday
Have you ever found it difficult to take part in church services? Do you discover barriers to participation in church life? At Torch we often hear from blind and partially sighted people who are facing these challenges, so we set up Sight Loss Sunday. This is a day focused around waking the church up to sight loss and supporting church communities to become truly welcoming, inclusive spaces. Listen to Reflections now to find out more! Get resources at