Narindar Mehat

When Love Prevails

  • Publisher: OM Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781850782889

Narinda came to Britain through an arranged marriage. She tells of her upbringing and her conversion, her struggle with illness and of the work she and her husband began with Asian people in Britain.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


SKU: TORCH-4198 Category: Tag:


“When I found Christ, I found a treasure.” Born and raised as a Sikh in India, Narindar felt a sense of evil pursuing her during her early life. Through an arranged marriage she came to Britain. It was there that she came face to face with Christ. This book tells of Narindar’s upbringing and conversion, her struggle with disabling illness & of the work she & her husband began with Asian peoples in Britain. Through all the joys, fears & frustrations, Narindar discovered that ‘when love prevails’ there is no stopping God or his Holy Spirit from working. “Narindar and Margaret are living testimonies of God’s love and grace working powerfully in, & through, his children… There are not many books or resources to help with outreach to the Sikh community.This book is a very timely addition.” Ram Gidoomal, Chairman of South Asia Concern. “This book tells the remarkable story of a Sikh couple’s journey to faith in Christ. For those who are born & brought up in a Christian family & a Christian environment, Christ and Christianity, whilst very meaningful, may not always have such sharp definition & clarity. Narindar Mehat’s testimony gives these sharp contrats, like the light of the morning sun shattering the surrounding darkness…A very personal book and a very valuable one.” Dr. Patrick Sookhedo, Director of the Barnabas Fund. “An interesting testimony of how an Asian couple came to commit their lives to Christ. This commitment has been costly for them in responding to God’s call.” The right Rev. Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, Bishop of Rochester. Narindar Mehat and her husband, Sewa, work among Asians in Wolverhamption with Beracah Christian Ministries. They are associates of Crosslinks

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