James I. Packer

Weakness is the Way

DAISY, Braille, Giant Print
  • Publisher: Inter-Varsity Press
  • ISBN: 9781844748716

Overflowing with wisdom gleaned from a life of obedience to Christ and dependence on his Word, this book will encourage you and direct you to our ever-present and all-sufficient God.

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


SKU: TORCH-8137 Category: Tag:


‘For when I am week, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

True Christianity embraces weakness as a way of life.

In these meditations on 2 Corinthians, the much-love author J.I. Packer shows us how our weakness glorifies God – provided we look to Christ for strength, affirmation, and contentment in our own sin and frailty.

Now in his mid-eighties, Packer meditates on the truths of Scripture with pastoral warmth from the experience of growing older and coming face to face with his own mortality.

Overflowing with wisdom gleaned from a life of obedience to Christ and dependence on his Word, this book will encourage you and direct you to our ever-present and all-sufficient God.

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