Kathy Lee

Rome In Flames

Braille, Giant Print
  • Publisher: Scripture Union
  • ISBN: 9781844270897

The Christians are having to meet in secret as the emperor’s hatred of them grows. And Bryn still faces danger at every turn. Will he be able to hold onto his new-found faith when it’s tested to the limits?

NB – Braille SEB

  • Exclusively for blind and partially sighted people


SKU: TORCH-5781 Category: Tag:


Ahead of us, through the smoke, I could see a flickering red glow. Fire! The horses saw it too. They came to stop, snorting and trampling the ground. They refused to go forward.

“I’ll have to unhitch the horses and lead them back the way we came.” said Tiro grimly.

“But Tiro! Look! I gasped, pointing back up the hill. Flames were leaping out from the windows of a building. There was fire behind us as well as in front – we were trapped.

The Christians are having to meet in secret as the emperor’s hatred of them grows. And Bryn still faces danger at every turn. Will he be able to hold onto his new-found faith when it’s tested to the limits?

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